pet blog roarridge
Top 15 Low-Energy Dog Breeds

Top 15 Low-Energy Dog Breeds

Not everyone wants an active dog that needs lots of exercise. Some prefer calm, low-energy dogs that fit a quieter life. These breeds are great ...
Black Cat Names

Most Inspiring Black Cat Names

Black cats are mysterious and enchanting. Their sleek fur, glowing eyes, and graceful movements inspire magic. Naming a black cat is a fun challenge. Their ...
Can Cats Eat Grits? Everything You Need to Know

Can Cats Eat Grits? Everything You Need to Know

Yes, Cats can eat grits but only in a small quantity of grit. Feeding them grit regularly is not recommended. Corn porridge is made from ...
Can Dogs Eat Pretzels?

Can Dogs Eat Pretzels?

Pretzels are NOT safe for dogs to eat. That said, he can handle it in small quantities. It is not an ideal snack for the puppy due ...
Why Do Dogs Like Squeaky Toys

Why Do Dogs Like Squeaky Toys?

Why do dogs like squeaky toys? These toys are an amazing blend of excitement. Squeaky toys have high-pitched sounds or noise, creating attention and excitement ...
Anxiety In Older Dogs​

Anxiety in older Dogs: Causes and Symptoms

A dog age can experience changes in their emotions and behavior as humans do. One most common issues that older dogs may face is anxiety. ...
Kitten Eye Infection

Kitten Eye Infection: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Kittens are amazing and make lovely little creatures. However, eye infections can be a health problem. Eye infections happen when tiny things like allergens or ...
Rabbit Catching Cage

Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up a Rabbit Catching Cage

Have you ever had trouble with rabbits nibbling on your garden or causing a ruckus in your backyard? Setting up a rabbit-catching cage is the ...
Can Rabbits Eat Tomatoes?

Can Rabbits Eat Tomatoes?

Yes, rabbits can eat tomatoes. Your rabbits are ready to eat but only in moderation.If it’s your rabbit’s first time eating tomatoes,then check his health. ...
Best Dog Toys For German Shepherds

Best Dog Toys For German Shepherds

​German Shepherds are loyal, intelligent and energetic dogs. For their mental and physical growth, they need proper exercise and toys. Toys keep them busy, happy, ...


pet blog roarridge
pet blog roarridge
pet blog roarridge
pet blog roarridge